
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Than Amazing Friend

I wish you could see all the feelings that are deep inside of me,

Love when you are here by my side and I hate when you leave,

All the questions that are floating inside the depths of my mind,

How do I make you understand that you are more than amazing,

Everything that my life has been in need of through all the years,

Want to be there with you through all the laughter and the tears,

Holding me close then you push me away I am feeling so confused,

Do I stay by your side or just walk away and forget words I said,

So I just keep pushing forward hoping for a little something more,

I stand here waiting and wondering what you really want from me,

Just a little kiss on the cheek and quickly I felt something deep inside,

Laying here just dreaming of what having your love would be like,

Trying to hide what I am really feeling think that it is a little to late now,

You know everything that my heart is truely feeling when I am with you,

You have me in a whirl you came and rocked my little world,

Taking your heart and my promise is this to be oh so careful with it,

Knowing you were once broken and I am hoping to mend your heart,

Just tell me what I can do so that I can be the one next to you in the end,

Holding you close just to let you know in the end that it will get better,

Here I will stay through the sunny days or through the stormy weather,

Please just let me know what your heart is really feeling inside it for me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pencil shading....

I did pencil shading alot while i was in school.... unfortunately i cant seem to find my art file anymore.... that made me want to start all over again. Lost the touch but hey am trying!


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