
Sunday, April 25, 2010

The week that was...

Went for stationery shopping... yay i love office supplies... they make me so happy!

Got toys for my nephews... by demand!!!

look how cute!

Found this notebook with the majlises i had prepared when i had actually recited a few, few years back. Hard to believe those are my notes....... *blink blink*

My paper work Organizing trays... yay

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Azra's Lens - 2

The Week that was...

Have been into reading these lately... am in the 4th book now and watched the 6th movie online yesterday afternoon and that explains why there wasn't any post on saturday like always...... was happily lost in the world of magic!!!!

Borrowed this book from a cousin... look at the condition!!! Never been so careful with any book before.....

And with the power cuts every other night... i love to read it in a candle light.... MORE FUN!!!

Love buying and wrapping up gifts....

Work that i have been 'ignoring' for a while now.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

This week...

Baked 3 batches of chocolate cake.... yum yum! Yes i "baked" in those bowls...... in a microwave!!! so proud of myself!!!

Washed the makeup brushes..... which was much needed since a long time!

This B'day gift from my sister finally sees daylight.... Its pretty!

Scrapbook style decorated my diary.... crafty afternoon... how i love those. Took me about 1hour.... n of that half the time was spent digging up materials. Its weird how things disappear when u need them and are always in our way when we don't need them..... hhhmmmm next week is craft supplies organizing week...... *scribbles it down in her NEW diary*


Difficult times ahead 4 hyderabad

  1. Fatwa helps in keeping peace | Deccan Chronicle:
  2. Many residents leave old city | Deccan Chronicle:
  3. Curfew will be lifted in phases | Deccan Chronicle:
  4. Prices of essential goods zoom in curfew-hit areas | Deccan Chronicle:
  5. Old city arsonists are from Karnataka: Cops | Deccan Chronicle:
  6. Power shortage to rise further | Deccan Chronicle:
  7. Citizens told to carry ID proof | Deccan Chronicle:


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