
Sunday, February 10, 2008

N'joy the Journey

Its one of those times when i feel down and depressed, for reasons better known to me. Like every year, i went out and got all the cute n mushy valentines goodies for myself. And i picked up this one card that just made me laugh and i knew i had to buy it. Here's what is says,

Twist the keys a couple of times.
Ignition. and the journey begins.
A little slow at the start.
You turn left and pick up speed.
Eyes twinkle. Lips smile.
A dream engulfs your soul.
You sit back, close your eyes and
as you relax you begin to cruise.
Could this ever end?
A left turn, two bumpers
and a pothole later it almost does.
But you start again.
Slowly you begin to relax.
And once again you relax and smile.
But you are a little wiser.
You turn left again.
But why? why left again?
are'nt you moving in circles?
What's the destination?

Forget the destination....
Just enjoy the journey!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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