
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ten things meme

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:-
  1. "Be Original!"
  2. "I really really admire you, even though sometimes you annoy me so much with your child act."
  3. "Stop talking and learn to listen to others sometimes!!!"
  4. "Everything that you say infuriates me and I wish you could stop being how you are. I don't think this opinion can ever change no matter how hard I try."
  5. "We don't talk as often and I miss that."
  6. "I can never really understand you."
  7. "Are you really that dumb, or you act like that???"
  8. "You're my best friend and I am really grateful to God for having you."
  9. "No matter how hard I try, I can never really forgive you."
  10. "I love you and I miss you more."
NINE things about yourself:-
  1. I skip breakfast a lot.
  2. I bite my lips and nails tons and it's a habit that feels impossible to break.
  3. I hate self praising people.
  4. I love comics.
  5. I love photography.
  6. I love collecting books.
  7. I love Summer.
  8. And I love summer showers even more!!!
  9. Am so longing to play with my sister's new baby!!!
EIGHT ways to win your heart:-
  1. Calm and laid-back/the ability to just not flip out at things.
  2. Someone who is realistic without having to be depressing. People who are kind of delusional get to me.
  3. Passionate about life.
  4. Honest.
  5. Intelligent.
  6. Original
  7. Respectful
  8. Down to earth.
SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:-
  1. Oh god I got work!
  2. I got to clear this, clean that, maybe arrange this that way, etc...
  3. Why did they do that?? Where did I go wrong?
  4. Who am I going to marry? Where will I end up at?
  5. I should be working...
  6. Is this person a fake too?
  7. God is watching... leave it all upon Him.
SIX things you do before you fall asleep:-
  1. Set the alarm.
  2. Chat a bit with mom/brother.
  3. Check all the doors/windows/gas, etc.
  4. Toss and turn.
  5. Think alot.
  6. Night dreams
FIVE people who mean a lot at the moment:
  1. Parents
  2. Tinu and Kids
  3. Sanalii and Chotiii
  4. Jafar
  5. tehehehe!
FOUR things you see right now:-
  1. My mobile
  2. AMIS Manuals
  3. Ziplock bags
  4. Random clutter...
THREE audio files that you listen to often at the moment:-
  1. Hadith-e-Kisa (trying to memorize!)
  2. Mere Hussain (its such a beautiful nauha!!)
  3. Bhardo joole meri Ya Mohd [saw] - fav Qaseeda!
TWO things you want to do before you die:-
  1. Open a proper Islamic School
  2. Get married and have children.

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