
Friday, January 16, 2009

The year 2008

1. Went for ziyarate to Iran and Iraq, not once but TWICE!!!!! (alhamduillah)
2. Made a proper movie for Sakina (s.a) day, though it didnt go well as planned (the movie mysteriously got erased from my laptop on the morning of the majlis day, n i had trouble with the audio quality of the movie) but personally i was happy n satisfied with what i cud do.
3. Got my hair cut to a manageble length and got colour highlights!!! I love it. Short hair rules, anyday.
4. Made a really good friend, who helped me finally get over the past n move ahead.
5. Got a 'real' camera!!!!
6. I got a mobile phone of my own choice (always got one used by my sister, dad or brother), my dad allowed me to buy one of my choice (i got nokia N95 yay!!) my dad is the awesomest!!!
7. I had a freakin lil accident. The needle of my swing machine went right into my finger n came out on the other side, narrowly missing the bone. I managed to pull it out myself after my brother scared me dat if i didnt do so, the docs will have to cut my finger, lol. Now everytime i take the machine out to mend anything, i remember dat horrible moment, but hey u cant stop doing something becoz of one bad experince.
8. Experienced the first snowfall of my life ever! It was awesome. The snow really falls as in flakes!!! i cudnt believe dat until i saw so. Truly amazing. God is really one creative artist up thr.
9. Finally registered a domain and got a website up for my graphics work.
10. Know how it feels to love and be loved - truly, sincerely and genuinely.

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