
Monday, February 9, 2009

The 4 tag

4 Places I Go to Over and Over Again
• Down memory lane
• My cupboard
• Bookstores
• My workdesk

4 People Who Mail Me Regularly
• Farah
• Phuphu
• Other Random friends
• Yahoo groups

4 of My Favourite Places to Eat (Apart from Home)
• Bahar
• Choice
• Kabaabish
• Paradise

4 Places I’d Rather be Now
• with my sister, in london
• shopping with my other sister!
• Anywhere with relatives
• somewhere quite outside the city

4 Favourite TV Shows
• Nigella Lawson
• Friends - any day, any episode, it always lightens up ur mood.
• ---
• gosh i cant seem to think of anything!!!

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