
Saturday, October 9, 2010 boredom (again!)

Did this tag way back in 2008... doing again to see how much i have changed over the years.... here goes...

1) Full name? Azra Fatima
2) Male/Female? female
3) Were you named after anyone? yes Lady Fatima (s.a)
4) Does your name mean anything? it means two things, one - a pious woman and two - pearl
5) Nickname(s)? ajju, ajjuma
6) What do you think you look like? pretty decent looking
7) Date of birth? 18th of feb
8) Place of birth and current location? hyderabad
9) Nationality? hyderabadi indian
10) Astrology sign? aquarius
11) Chinese astrology sign? no idea
12) Religion? islam
13) What's your favorite smell? just pink by next
14) Political position? none
15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? water+tea
16) Hair + eye color? brown+black
17) Do you look like anyone famous? No
18) What do you look like? azra fatima
19) Any unusual talents? i can be a agony aunt to ppl who just met me 5mins ago!! (ps: i hate it, i hate it, i hate it..... shut up shut up shut up!!!!)
20) Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous? righty
21) Gay, straight, bi, or other? straight.
22) What do you do for a living? design
23) What do you do for fun? read pretty crafty, housewifely kind of blogs / watch movies / read
24) Materials to work with? Pencil, laptop, scanner = too lazy... use a camera!!
25) What kind of materials would you like to work with? paint
26) Have you met your grandparents? Yes
27) Boyfriend/Girlfriend? none
28) Crush? none
29) What celebrity would you date if you could? none
30) Current worries? The future...
31) Favorite online guy/girl(s)? none
34) Do you burn or tan? tan
35) Ever break a bone? never
36) What is your favorite cereal? honey coated cornflakes and choco flakes
37) Person you cry with? sisters
38) Any sisters? two
39) Any brothers? one
40) Any pets? none
41) An illness? None whatsoever
42) A pager? Nope
43) A personal phone line? Yes No :(
44) A cell phone? Yes
45) A visible birthmark? mole on neck
46) A pool or hot tub? Pools
47) A car? have one
48) Personality? confused
49) Driving? loves it i miss sitting back n looking out at shops, billboards, etc.
50) Your clothing style? If I'm happy wearing it, I wear it!
51) Room? messy its RED n white... n pretty organized! *so happy*
52) What’s missing? cant figure it out having a family of my own *sigh*
53) School? nasr
54) Bed? big
55) Relationship with your parents? good
56) Do you believe in yourself? Yeah, I'm awesomest! *cough* i need to.... no one matters more than me!!
57) Do you believe in love at first sight? no
58) Consider yourself a good listener? Mostly
59) Have a future dream that you would like to share? to have a beautiful home n a equally beautiful family.
60) Get along with your parents? Yes, I do.
61) Save your e-mail conversations? If it's something important..
62) Pray? yes
63) Believe in reincarnation? no
64) Brush your teeth twice a day? Nope..just once. But I love my toothbrush = (love my toothbrush?!? wat was i thinking?!)
65) Like to talk on the phone? sometimes hell no!!
66) Like to eat? loves to eat... hell lives to eat!!
67) Like to exercise? I'm lazy sometimes
68) Like to watch sports? BLAH!!
69) Sing in the car? sometimes when am alone
70) What is a dream that you have all the time? dat am sitting for an exam and am all blank  about school

71) Dream in color? I think so Yes
72) Do you have nightmares? Many times...
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal? nah i dnt bother myself with silly things... n i like space... lots of it.
74) What's right next to you? bed
75) What's on your favorite mug? I don't have a favorite mug
76) What's on your mouse pad? It's just blue.. 'intel inside'
77) Your favorite flavor of gum? strawberry or banana
78) Your brand of deodorant? never used one
79) Your dream honeymoon spot? anywhere sea side... can be a cruise ride too....;) austria!
80) Your dream husband/wife? who doesnt bother me too much over silly little details. humble, yet confident, respect me n my views even if he doesnt agree with 'em.
81) What's hiding in your closet? Clothes....
82) Under your bed? u wudnt want to knw.
83) The name of one of your closest/best friends? shanu n tinu
84) Your bad time of the day? The morning. I'm grumpy and tired
85) Your worst fear(s)? Lots of things...sadly
86) What's the weather like? warm and sunny
87) Your favorite time of year? SUMMER!
88) Your favorite holiday? Summer holiday..
89) A material weakness? clothes... and lots of it...! cosmetics
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like? hmmmm....
91) At the top of your "to do list"? pending projects
92) The hardest thing about growing up? showing responsibility, worrying about everything..
93) A pet peeve?
94) Your scariest moment? Hmm..I'm not sure, exactly when couples fight.
95) Your attitude about love? its great while it lasts. love is to disagree yet hold hands
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done? locked myself in a public toilet while in iran... n screaming for help... broke my desk chair... twice!!
97) The worst feeling in the world? To be left all alone when you need someone
98) The best feeling in the world? To be loved
99) Who sent this to you? some random girl
100) 5 people to send this test too? he, she and they *points*
bubye *waves*

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