
Saturday, October 30, 2010

getting better....

Most people try to get ‘better' at things every year. This is probably a little closer to reality....

2001: I will read at least 20 good books a year.
2002: I will read at least 10 good books a year.
2003: I will read at least 5 good books a year.
2004: I will finish "Airport."

2001: I will not spend my money frivolously.
2002: I will pay off my bank loan promptly.
2003: I will pay off my second mortgage promptly.
2004: I will begin making a strong effort to be out of debt by 2008.

2001: I will get my weight down to below 180.
2002: I will watch my calories until my weight is down to below 190.
2003: I will follow my new diet religously until my weight is under 200.
2004: I will try to develop a new attitude about my weight.

2001: I will host a summer barbecue for the whole subdivision this year.
2002: I will get to know the neighbors on my block a little better this year.
2003: I will invite my next door neighbor to dinner this year.
2004: I will find a good real estate agent.

2001: I will have the cat spayed this year.
2002: I will find a cheaper newspaper for the "free kitten" ads this year.
2003: I will have all the carpets cleaned this year.
2004: I will frame the "thank you" note from my veterinarian for putting her son through college.

2001: I will see my dentist this year.
2002: I will have my cavities filled this year.
2003: I will have my root canal work done this year.
2004: I will buy stock in Polident this year.

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