
Sunday, January 16, 2011


I need to finish packing, do little random things for sakina day, call some people up, have some breakfast (starving), shower, clean up the mess in my room, do random chores around the house and here i am.... blogging! When nothing makes sense and i am lost at where to even begin... my best respite is my dear dear laptop! anyways i was clearing out my good old mobile and found some random pictures.............

 Look a baby monster climbs up to the roof of our car!!!

 my 8th grade exam paper! 

 I made my fav fav fav fried potatoes for lunch..... i <3 potatoes!!

and then pics from this morning... took a break from packing..... and that's how messy my room looks now. i think my brain works best under pressure and in messy surroundings... weird! 
 The pic is not even clear!! my room is flooded with bright sunlight in the mornings... so bright that even my camera can't handle it!! but warm sunlight makes me happy...

 New year... new phone!! wuuhuuu!! so my dad got a 'blackberry' for himself and as usual he required a much simple phone phone for himself and this was beyond him. i love my nokia and i didnt like this blackberry much until i discovered wat amazing things it cud do... and now i am hooked!!

uuuhhhhh a box full of chocolates!!

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